Suddenly thought about my 1st ever visit to disabled's home. I cant recall the name >.< My choir seniors invited me to join them for a visit. We made a performance on da christmas day. But i cant remember which year it was. I've spent some of my time practicing carols at her house. I played the guitar and piano. We all sang together, and that was so enjoyable. That was my very 1st time strummed the guitar in front of so many people, though i dun really know how to play. Haha. It's fun to share the music with others. I spent most of my time chatting with an indian guy. I cant remember his name. What i can remember was i learned quite a lot from him, especially his experiences and stories. He then told me a joke bout chimneys. It goes like this...
- What did the old chimney tell the young chimney?
--- You're just too young too smoke.
Mayb you dun find it funny. But i did laughed that time, and went home to spread around this joke. Hehe. Before we left, he asked me "will u come back to find me in future?" "yes, i will."
ahh... such a big liar. =( Whenever i think bout this, i feel so sorry. Sigh. Think is easy, what bout taking actions?
Moon... i cant remember why i put moon as part of my nick. Haha. Maybe i like the moon.
Tiger. Disappear.
One day, while i was crapping with lousy min, my avatar disappeared all of a sudden. I was like "ehhhhh???!??!?!? How come the tiger cub hilang!" Hehe, if u often chatted with me in msn, u will know what does the cute little cub looks like. =P

Birds of a feather flock together
I personally agree with this with both my legs up~ haha. Especially on friends that could cling together. I crapped most of the time, so do my best friends. But of course not all of them.
Aileen was my primary school mate, and we're best friend ever since then. We're still very close to each other even though we're not in da same secondary school or college. She's a nice and funny gal. You could never tell from her appearance.
Zhi Min was my senior in secondary school. We always hang out too. We did all the stupid things together, infinitely. She's nice and funny too. One of the last minute kaki. Haha.
I intro both of them to each other, but i cant remember when. Prolly was through msn. Hehe. They summore went to watch Eason's Live in KL last year without me. Hmmph!
Yesterday, i was chatting with both of them. And i noticed that their nick were similar to each other. Zhi Min's was 牽牛花的大便 and Aileen's was 小叶子的排泄.
c a n t o --·!|: | but i like u guys' nick |
๑۩۞۩๑ min ๑۩۞۩๑-: | ahahahaha |
๑۩۞۩๑ min ๑۩۞۩๑-: | my friend lar |
๑۩۞۩๑ min ๑۩۞۩๑-: | so damn wai |
๑۩۞۩๑ min ๑۩۞۩๑-: | his name is 桔梗花的悲傷 |
๑۩۞۩๑ min ๑۩۞۩๑-: | wahhhh |
๑۩۞۩๑ min ๑۩۞۩๑-: | how can i tahan not to compliment him |
Then just now had dinner with aileen, we talked bout these two nicks. Hahhaha. We concluded that Zhi Min's was quite 粗俗 and aileen's much more 优雅. HAhahaha. But to think in another way, maybe the guy was in some artsy mood that time, while min and aileen were not. Haha. I am in between. Me very the 善变. It all depends on mood. Right? My dear friends. =P

*song of the moment: Yuna Ito - Truth*
Ehh... the one with the grandpa was very heartwarming.
Eh we should also agree that, my nick is very much straight to the point ok! Got UMPPH!
anoh..heart warming. Hmmm. think bout tat oso sad *sob sob* ahahhahahahahaa, true oso, straight to the point, with no ornamentation. I oso feel like having one tat time, but cant think of any resemblant ones.
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