时间。 我有。一星期的休息时间。但是转眼间,今天是星期六了。想下想下,其实好像没什么时间可以把要做的都完成。


想要吃的,很多都没有. >.< 可惜.


和扬州炒饭有什分别? 扬州的炒饭比较香?


一星期内吃了三次,下星期还会吃吗? 没时间吧.

爱上了大家都不喜欢吃的冬菇天妇罗. 第三次没点,因为恐怕又是我一个人吃.

很好吃. 有点像捞生. 开胃~

和Ms. No Side都上车了. 没有高潮的故事. 男主角蛮好看的,是个'毛'人. Haha. 很用心地去弹琴及很爱他的父亲. 究竟The Beat that My Heart Skipped 意味着什么呢?

看了它的预告片,还不错. 希望有机会看,也不要再上车了.

为什么我家冰箱上的磁铁都活不久? 这个是第x个了. 妈,为何要酱对我的磁铁... >.< style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">*Song of the moment : Utada Hikaru - Flavor of Life*
whoa since when ur posts become so artistic??
Ahahaha, the "beat that makes your heart skip" guy is pretty hot. WEE WEET!
and your first pic, of the lamps! You know what it looks like? Eason Chan's Meng Nin Gum Yat music video's setting!
oh and yeah, the fried rice, it's prolly same as the yeung chau fried rice, but my friend said, our stupid neighbor S'pore patented the name, so noone else can use it! At least not those big restaurants and major hotels!
We found your blog because we sometimes look up who's talking about toyvoyagers.com on the internet ... we really LOVE your photos (all of them - though obviously we have a vested interest in the ones of the bear!)
Is there any chance you would consider joining ToyVoyagers and doing some updates for the bear that your friend found? Even if it's just a few of the photos. There's absolutely no catch, it's completely free and it would be GREAT to have you there.
Isobel and Neil
(we run toyvoyagers.com)
ehhe i like i like
so nice the style..
i just saw your bloody finger cut again when i scrolled down
zmin: hahahaa, becuz i m in the artsy mood. U CANT STOP ME! ahaha. Har, u mean the Shanghai fried rice kena patented or the YeungZhao chao fun kena patented? Hahhaa, mayb is trademarked? U were so in to Eason's MV. ALL of his!!
nothing stranger: 高潮就是没有高潮. Hahhaha. 起码你发现了它被剪掉鸟,我还有点傻傻分不清楚. ""星期一上班咯"" 已经成为过去. Haha. Let's 展望未来. 共勉之.
isobel and Neil: Thanks for dropping by and left a message here! =) Much appreciated! Ah, then i will join ToyVoyagers and post all of the Bear's photo that i have with me, though it is not that updated. =P
Itscheryl: haha, thanks for liking the photo. Suppose to have another kind of effect on it, but cant manage to create it. Hmm. The wound on my finger now, is GONE! muahaha.
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