Soon, the vege is done in da microwave, I thought “hmm… 1 min isn’t enough.” Thus, I set another one minute n went back to my washings. Okay, now the vege is ready. WAH, know wat, when I opened da microwave’s ‘door’, there’s NOTHING inside!!!!!!! I was like “wah! Disappeared!!?!?!?!?!?..” I mind was totally blank, no kidding manz. After I so called ‘calmed down’, I opened da fridge…and there’re TWO tupperwares of vege inside. -___________-
Fuuah, DING twice oso DING nothing. I thought the vege 人间蒸发. I think I’m gradually getting older within these 4 months. My rapid-drying brain juice was unable to transfer da msg to my whole body. Or I should say my body is a brainless flesh... haha. Now me 名正言顺 the LOU fuu. >.< See wat Afoi said..even worse. haha.
c a n t o --·!: i DING nothing in da microwave
c a n t o --·!: afoi
c a n t o --·!: i siao liao
c a n t o --·!: DING twice summore
[ a f o i ] : hahAHAhaa
c a n t o --·!: sometimes i peel da apple, after finished, i throw da knife into da dustbin
c a n t o --·!: and keep da skin -__-
c a n t o --·!: haha, PLS vote for LOU Fuu
[ a f o i ] : very LOI u
[ a f o i ] : LOI LOU FUU
c a n t o --·!: wah like one of those DAI LOU's name
Suan le ba, I need some exercises and outings. Been doin nothing for 4 months. Hahhaha. So cham manz. Now come to another老掉story. My dad. This uncle is so ridiculous.
Dad : hey, 你有没有朋友学 violin 的?
Me : err…没有啰。做么?
Dad : 没有嘛,我想叫人家帮我调一下我的violin.
Me : …
Dad : 我以前有学一点的… neh, 你知道啦,violin 有四条弦,但是我忘记是什么了.
Me : 我也有学一点的~~… 第一条好像是 G…
Dad : (doubtfully…) 你知道meh???
Me : 不是啦,以前学钢琴要知道这些的.
Dad : 学钢琴也学 mai 小提琴?
Me : 不是不是, 是学 theory.
Dad : Oklar, 那你帮我找找看那些 key.
Me : Oh…
Wah, he wants to learn violin. -__- Pls laaa…he always hangat hangat tahi ayam one. My house has guitar and violin becuz of him. Never seen him play oso. Summore played photography. And now not even take a look at his old manual camera. Cheh. Nvm oso. Before this violin story, he wanted to buy a 古筝 oso.
Me : Paaaa~~ 我想换掉我的钢琴…
Dad : 做么?
Me : 很麻烦啦,这架时常都要 tune. 而且又很旧了,卖给人也未必有人要啦…
Dad : 好啦,我买给你…
Me : 不要不要,我要自己买。我要买电子的.
Dad : 电子的好咩?我也想买架古筝来玩玩…
Me : 古筝!?!?!
Dad : 是啦,得空时玩一下乐器也好. 你买钢琴我也可以拿来玩…
Me : 不可以买古筝~~~ 不要!
Dad : 做么leh?
Me : 你买来做么?你都没有玩的。买来又ngah 位。 不要不要!
Dad : 什么~~~ 我会学的。。 哪里会ngah 位, 打直放不是可以咯!
Me : 酱你的guitar leh... violin lehh…谁要玩??
Dad : 那个…. 以前有玩一下嘛…. 放在那边啦…. Aiseh…
Me : 总之我不给你买古筝….
Dad : 我有钱 ah… 我自己买…
Me : 酱你就赢了咯….
Dad : 当然~~ 不是你估(in mandarin oso)...
Me : (dun feel like continuing da talking) … anah anah… >__> (then walked away)
However, I think violin is better than 古筝, since古筝 is much bigger. Pls, save the spaces for other things. Mayb one day I can duet with him. BUT tat’s an Ali Baba’s story. Ahmmm…… Btw, it’s not 电子琴, it’s 数码琴. Hahaa. Apa sai oso can b digitized.. Hmm… Feel like buying da Yamaha’s Clavinova. So nice ler da color. Summore can save apa sai I played and then upload to pc. I not sure if this model here could do tat. muahahhahaaa. Who cares? Lousy min, pls win lottery. I will pray tat u win oso. Hahahahha. Then u can sponsor my clavinova. Pls win da Super 7 Lotto.. Hahahaha.. praying hard manz…

I don't know if you remember or not lar.. normally in the movie, everyone will get pissed with those amateur lousy violin player, and NOT 古筝.
btw, great post !! LOL !!!!!
To Chong Wei:
yalaa..memang... da sound..especially when u're PRACTISING n not PLAYING. hahahaa. Can die manz. 古筝... neh neh, da Stephen Chow's movie..Kungfu, ahhahaa, got ppl played 古筝. Ppl around will hv da same ending with da violin's, CAN DIE.
but that one, you must be blind at the first place
lou fuu or loi lou fuu: wei, dun berputus asa!! the apple part,i pun pernah cuba, haha... u've a cool dad btw... B)
foi yo~ u ar....ur father...nothing to say...
but ur father better at least he did ask u for ur oppinion...u know dad nerver ask us...he wan to buy he just buy it....old man very cute one...whenever they wan to buy...they will have 1000 reasons to support them...when they dun wan to take out money...they will also have 1000 reasons one!!! my dad is this kind of person lah!! pats....parent getting old...getting more cute!! XD
Chong Wei: Haaha. true oso hor. hmmm... then kenot liao. Touch wood. haha. dun wanna b like wat they portrayed in da movie.
nothing stranger: hahahahaa, u memang my kaki! I wont tell my dad wat u commented bout him, later he terbang ke mana mana jua. ahhaha
tezuka: hahahahaa, yalaa... when ppl getting older, they're getting funnier. Do things tat out of ur expectation one. Stubborn is another trait too. ahmm. ahha
雷老虎!! Haiyor I kept typing lui as my pinyin for the 雷word for so many times and then i summore blamed my prog for not being able to pull that word out!
Anyways, your so lame! Bout the veggie and apple thing! Aler! I never did that! I only peeled potato and threw potato into dustbin and kept the skin! I won't admit it's my fault. It's my roommates, kept talking talking talking, distract me!
Oh and by the way, I havent even bought the lotto before! ahahaha! Must 培養 the feeling got come liao baru can go!
Oklar I dont wanna turn this into a 500 word essay! Ahahaha!
ahahhahahaa, lousy min!!! u dun blame ppl la..tsk tsk. Aler, you oso very lame la, u thought mine lamer mehh.. then should i blame my dad who's doin his prayer that moment? Doin prayer in front of Guan Yin who i always talked to, and prayed for ur sake! hahahahaha... u say la u say la! Kenot ask my dad like "eh, bu yao nian jing! wo yao DING cai. tsk!" Hhahahaa..
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