Hmm. There're a lot of voices that i admire. Feel like sharing info bout this singer here. She's
有里知花, Yuri Chika. I think da first song that allows me approach closer to her voice is
---世界中であなただけ---, which literally means "Just you in the world". Or maybe this wasnt her first song that i've listened to, but it certainly is a song that 'entices' me to her voice + music. XD
Da intro of this song already is a value added one. Hmm... I dunno how to describe. HAHAHA, cuz my english suckz, apatah lagi those noun/adj for music. It's like...when u're listening to da song, u will hav a feeling tat you're floating/flying in the air~ No kidding. Hehe. Or mayb i interpreted this together with the lyric? haha. There's this phrase of music, which is da chorus. Also, that's the only part in the song tat i understand. Haha, cuz the rest were written in japanese.
#If i were a bird, i would fly to you
有里知花, Yuri Chika. I think da first song that allows me approach closer to her voice is
---世界中であなただけ---, which literally means "Just you in the world". Or maybe this wasnt her first song that i've listened to, but it certainly is a song that 'entices' me to her voice + music. XD
Da intro of this song already is a value added one. Hmm... I dunno how to describe. HAHAHA, cuz my english suckz, apatah lagi those noun/adj for music. It's like...when u're listening to da song, u will hav a feeling tat you're floating/flying in the air~ No kidding. Hehe. Or mayb i interpreted this together with the lyric? haha. There's this phrase of music, which is da chorus. Also, that's the only part in the song tat i understand. Haha, cuz the rest were written in japanese.
#If i were a bird, i would fly to you
i wann fly to you but i don't have any wings
if only my wish would come true, i would say to you
in this world, there is no one else but you#
There's a bridge b4 the last-time-chorus. It's quite similar with da 2nd verse of the song, however with ornaments. So that brings da climaxs to da whole song, and then... FLY with the chorus. haha. This song was composed by her, as well as the lyric part. Cool~ Da arrangement's oso nice nice. Other than Rie Fu, i think her english is quite good among japanese singers. =)
Here are some info bout how ppl commented bout her.
出身于音乐世家,3岁始学习钢琴,逐渐开始作曲。中学时参加“English Drama Club”。从古典音乐到音乐剧,用自己的歌声和舞蹈来表现。现在大学英语专业毕业,喜欢到一切接触到大海的活动,这已经成为她音乐创作的源泉。去年开始有里知花开始学习中文。 2001年7月,大学在读期间由东芝EMI发行单曲<花>,并以此成名。 Yuri Chika1981年5月1日出生于Yakohama的一个音乐世家,3岁开始学钢琴,并且学会了自己作曲。幼年时曾多次到访Hawaii,Hawaii温暖而又美丽的海令她流连往返。在她的音乐中常常可以感受到一股浓郁宜人的Hawaii风情,清凉的海水、温柔的海风依稀可见。2000年8月,有理知花的首张单曲CD《I Cry》在日本发行,其反响不但遍步全日本,还波及到了海外,在Hawaii更是创下了点播率的新高。同年11月,由Hawaii著名音乐制作人Kenneth Makuakane为她度身定作的首张专辑《Hana花》也接踵而至,很快就得到了多方的关注,迅速等上了电台点播率第一的位置。 有理知花多次到过中国,其中两次到过广州。在广州中山大学,她受到大学生的热烈欢迎。 的确,寂寞无人的夜,听Yuri Chika温暖动人的声音,将是一种特别的享受。
作者: 安然小可 (adopted from mywiki.koook.com)
And there's another article, which's about "治疗系" music, that was related with Yuri Chika as well.
(adopted from www.wanwa.com)
(adopted from www.wanwa.com)
Hmm...true oso. I luv to listen to her songs especially at late night. Hahaha. Back to Marybone with da dim dim light in my room, together with her music. WAH. Music from heaven manz. Hahhaha. "的确,寂寞无人的夜,听Yuri Chika温暖动人的声音,将是一种特别的享受" this is undeniable. Ah, at night in the car oso, especially driving alone~~ -__- but my car audio now spoilt, cant play CD. Sienz...
Hmm...goin out now for dinner. ahhahaa, lazy to paste da Youtube clip here. So youtube yourself la. =) Chaoz~
your highly recommended ah fa here, very pretty faces + melodious voice... also, angela aki... lots more... come with very good package.
i wonder why malaysia dun have such an artist?
YES. Ah Fa heals ur soul. ahhaha. Angela Aki is another one! Er there're a few tat i like. Hmm. But mostly are japanese. Msia ah, err, i like Siti Nurhaliza. Haha. Acceptable?
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